
Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting

Jan 24 2021
Start Time
2:00 PM
End Time
4:00 PM


Please join us at 2 pm for a Semi-Annual Meeting for the SGAC Membership and Congregation. We will need to vote on the members for the Nominating Committee therefore quorum will be required.

You will be able to join us in person or online. The meeting will be streamed live on YouTube and on our website. The video will not be public once the meeting has ended. For the purpose of determining quorum, a member may be present in person or by electronic means which has been approved in advance by the board. We will require quorum for the Nomination Committee motion approval to count which will be determined when we collect the votes. There will be no voting at the meeting. All members will receive a link to vote on Sunday after the meeting. Votes will need to be cast by Friday, January 29th at noon.   You will be required to declare that you attended the meeting either in person or online for your vote to count.