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Upcoming Events
The Lectio Course (Women)
Facilitators: Pastor Karen Houcher & Camille Young
Learn the rhythms of reading, meditation, prayer, & contemplation as they apply to the Bible with other women from SGAC. Discover how to hear God in His Word, so you can be equipped to take His love to the world. Starts February 11. Book (Required): How to Hear God: A Simple Guide for Normal People by Pete Greig.
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Wising Up - Proverbs Study (Women)
Registration: Required/Limited Spots
Facilitators: Delores VandenBoogaard & Christina Voorhorst
Join us for an inspiring women’s Bible study with Beth Moore as we dive into the book of Proverbs & discover how to Wise Up in every area of life. Through engaging teaching, we’ll explore God’s timeless wisdom on relationships, decision-making, & living with purpose. Whether you’re new to the Bible or looking to grow deeper in your faith, this study will empower & challenge you to live with greater understanding & discernment. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with other women & gain insights that will transform your walk with God! Starts February 18.
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Empowered MOMS
Registration: Required
Facilitator: Cherise Giesbrecht
Enjoy sharing with other single moms & caring mentors as we cover topics like emotional & spiritual health, finances, & parenting. Find hope, grow in your faith, & develop confidence in your parenting while feeling loved & supported as you navigate life as a single mom. Starts February 11.
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Shop Talk - Ignite Your Life - OFFSITE
Location: Banman’s Shop (Parkland County) R
egistration: Required/Limited Spots
Facilitator: Henry Banman
If you want to have your life “ignited” every day with effortless faith, joy, peace, purpose, & direction, you are going to love this study. God has the perfect plan for our life. Barry (Ignite Your Life: Defeat Fear With Effortless Faith by Barry Meguiar) is as excited to talk about Jesus as he is to talk about cars. Evening introduction will include a car feature, fix, or maintenance. Youth are welcome to attend with a parent. Starts February11.
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Youth Bible Study
Youth Bible Study
All Junior and Senior Highers are encouraged to join us for a time of worship and digging into the Word.
The 2024/2025 Youth Information Form is required to be filled out be all youth attending events hosted at or by SGAC. This form is REQUIRED for all events and must be filled out each ministry year starting in September.
🔗 CLICK HERE to fill out the form.
Elders Board Meeting
Each month the SGAC Board of Elders meets to dissuss and make discisions about life at SGAC.
Board of Elders
- Anthony Toornstra
- Dan Ibsen
- Gerald Weighill (Board Treasurer)
- Kenton Breitkreuz
- Paul Friesen (Board Secretary)
- Rob Young (Board Chair)
- Steve Medeiros
- Trevor Frieser
Keenagers Bible Study
Registration: None
Facilitator: Pastor Steve Rigby
Dates: March 12 - May 28
Come for a time of connecting with other seniors (55+). Mornings include worship hymns, prayer and Bible study.
Study Series: Unshakable Hope by Max Lucado
In a trembling, unsteady world, learn to gain stability, find peace, and trust in God.
This world has a tremble to it. There are things that seem unsteady in this life. But when we belong to God, it allows us to filter our problems through the promises of God. We choose to be people of the promise, we choose to build our lives on the promises of God, not the circumstances of life.
The stories of the men and women in Scripture were different, but the theme was the same: they were People of the Promise. Because of God's promises, Noah built an ark on dry land, Joshua claimed the Promised Land, David became king, Peter preached the first sermon, and John caught a glimpse of the future. Like them, we can also build our lives on God's promises, and trust him to keep them.
Spruce Grove Alliance Church offers the AWANA Cubbies, Sparks, & T&T programs for kids age 3 to grade 6 from SGAC and our community.
Dates: AWANA runs from September 4th, 2024 to April 16, 2025.
Registration is required, please call the office.
Prayer for Our World
Registration: None
Facilitator: Mary Beamish
Join others each week to pray for International Workers, world events, & places & people all over the world.
Uninvited (Women)
Registration: Required/Limited Spots
Facilitator: Shirley Kehler
Uninvited (Book Required) by Lysa TerKeurst explores the deep wounds of rejection & offers hope for healing. Through personal stories & biblical truths, Lysa provides practical tools to combat lies, process hurt, & embrace God's unwavering love. This group is perfect for anyone seeking to heal from past pain & build a stronger sense of self in Christ. Starts February 12.
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Mountain Men
Registration: Required
Facilitators: Pastor Keith Piquette & Joel Pukalo
Join the guys as we adventure to learn from the Bible, build connection, & challenge each other to live out our faith.
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Date: Wednesdays (Starting January 15, 2025 - April 16, 2025) | Times: 7:00PM - 9:00PM | Location SGAC | Fee: $30 (Includes workbook)
Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one. A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. At this 13-week group, you will receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind. -
Men's Basketball Outreach
Registration: None
Facilitator: Marlon Prudenciado
This outreach intends to make our Lord Jesus known to all! This group is open to all men of SGAC & their friends. Join us, meet new people to share your faith, & connect. Let’s have devotions, share testimonies, & play some basketball. Starts January 8.
Young Adults Bible Study
Registration: None
Facilitator: Pastor Josh Palsky
Come for a time of worship & Bible study. Connect with other young adults at SGAC. For ages 18-28. Starts January 15.
Babes who Breakfast & Read the Bible - OFFSITE
Location: Medeiros Home (Parkland County)
Registration: Required/Limited Spots
Facilitator: Angele Medeiros
Looking for a relaxed and fun way to connect with other women? Join us every other week for a casual potluck breakfast filled with laughter, conversation, and meaningful connection.Together, we’ll read small portions of scripture, share our perspectives, and explore different translations. There is no weekly prep for this group! Just bring yourself (and maybe a dish to share) as we build authentic friendships and grow in faith in a low-pressure, welcoming setting. Starts February 13.
Sorry, THIS GROUPS IS FULL - Please consider registering for one of our other small groups.
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Drop-in Co-Ed Pickleball (Intermediate)
Registration: None
Facilitators: Erika Penner & Laurie Breitkreuz
Join our friendly & social drop-in pickleball! Available to those with intermediate to advanced skill. Please wear shoes with non-marking soles & bring your own ball & paddle. Adults 18+. Starts January 9.
Life's Healing Choices (After Alpha)
Registration: Required
Facilitators: John & Gail Rodgers & Matt Kirkland
Life’s Healing Choices offers freedom from our hurts, hang-ups, & habits through eight healing choices that promise true happiness & life transformation. Using the Beatitudes of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount, former Senior Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church & the (now late) John Baker developed the eight choices shared in this video study by Rick Warren. Starts February 13.
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Disciples Path
Registration: Required/Limited Spots
Facilitators: James Pedersen & Christie Hiebert
This is a co-ed study focused on growing your faith at any stage in your life or your walk with Jesus. If you are ready to take the next step as a disciple of Jesus then we invite you to join us. The Disciples Path series is founded on Jesus’ model of transformational discipleship, created to make disciples who make disciples. We will be focusing in each session on four key attributes of the disciple’s path which are progressive, relational, disciplined, & replicable. Book: Disciples Path $15. Starts February 13.
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Uncovering Mysteries in the Word - OFFSITE
Location: Kadaali Home (Spruce Grove)
Registration: Required/Limited Spots
Facilitators: Patrick & Elizabeth Kadaali
Based on The Book of Mysteries (Book Optional) by Jonathan Cahn, this study will give participants a better appreciation of & an urgency to be biblically literate. We will cover the necessity of, the power of & the mystery in the Word of God & share practical applications in our daily lives. Starts February 13.
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Men's Drop-In Floor Hockey
Registration: None
Facilitator: Deven Quintal
Drop in for a game of floor hockey. Bring your own equipment & join the fun. This group aims to encourage people to bring members outside of the church & spark & create conversation. Starts January 23.