“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
How can I donate at SGAC?
We have five methods of donating to SGAC:
Whether it is a one-time gift or you would like to schedule a recurring donation, you can give online to Spruce Grove Alliance Church. With this option, you are able to give using a Visa debit card or the traditional Visa or MasterCard credit cards.
The Visa Debit is a debit card. It uses the same system as the standard Visa and MasterCard credit card but do not use a line of credit to the customer, instead relying on funds that the customer has in their bank account.
Spruce Grove Alliance Church recognizes that there are those who will prefer to use their credit card to give, however, it is a desire of Spruce Grove Alliance Church that donors are not incurring debt when giving to the church.
Pick up a pre-authorized debit agreement form at the Welcome Centre or download one here. You can fill it out and then return it with a voided cheque - just drop it in one of the offering boxes or return it to the Welcome Centre in an envelope marked "Confidential: Finance Office.”
There are envelopes in the chairs in the sanctuary that you can use to make an offering at any time. Please print your name and address (and Giving Number if you have one) clearly so we can correctly disburse the funds and issue your tax receipt.
If you don’t already have a Giving Number, please inquire in the office and we’d be happy to set you up with one. A Giving Number helps our staff in tracking donations and issuing accurate receipts.
Use Interac at the Welcome Centre to make your donation while at church, then fill our your donation envelope as normal including your name, address, giving number and insert your debit receipt so we can disburse funds as directed.
Use E-Transfer to give at SGAC, using give@sgac.net. Please include your offering envelope number and contact information. In the notes section please indicate how you would like your donation designated, ie. General Fund, Canadian Ministries etc.. The money is deposited directly into the church account and does not require a security question. (This method of giving is not to be used for registrations.)
Mail your donation to: Spruce Grove Alliance Church
Attn: Finance
250 Century Road
Spruce Grove, AB T7X 1W6
Where are the funds used?
Here at SGAC we provide you the opportunity to direct your donations as God leads:
General Fund: Make a donation to support the Ministry of Spruce Grove Alliance Church
Your donation to SGAC will help support the general ministries of our church in Spruce Grove. This includes staffing, facilities, operating costs and other administrative costs.
Canadian Ministries Fund: Make a donation to support Canadian work of The C&MA
Contributions to the Canadian Ministries Fund will go towards church planting in Canada, the C&MA’s Ambrose University and to other Canadian initiatives. CMF funds are forwarded monthly to the Canadian Alliance head office.
Building Fund: Make a donation to support SGAC’s Building Fund
This fund has been approved by the Board to be disbursed as most needed towards:
- Current Community Life Centre debt principle
- CLC mortgage payments including the interest portion if the General Fund is unable to meet payment
- Future Development savings for the next phases of SGAC's Long Term Plan
- Savings for large building capital expenses
Global: Make a donation to support the Global work of The C&MA
Around the globe Alliance workers are active in everything from building the local church to increasing educational opportunities, from helping people gain access to clean water to advocating for the marginalized. The Global Advance Fund is the primary means of providing for our Alliance workers. Each worker's cost of living in the country where he or she serves comes from this fund. Your gift to Global Advance will help support the full-time missionaries that have been sent from SGAC to the Desert Sand, Asian Spice, Silk Road and Caribbean Sun districts of the world. GAF funds are forwarded monthly to the Canadian Alliance head office.
You are able to direct your donations to any of the above funds through designations on the offering envelopes and/or through the online giving page.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us here!
*When donating through these forms of credit/debit card transactions, the church is charged a fee ranging from 1.3% to 2.4% of your donation.