
Youth Gift Exchange - From your home!

Dec 11 2020
Start Time
7:00 PM
End Time
10:00 PM


Join us for our first ever distanced gift exchange! How will it work? Follow these steps and join in on the fun:

  • Register here today!
  • Purchase a $5 junk food gift.
  • Get creative! Wrap your gift nicely, creatively, with encouragement for the recipient.
  • Drop your gift at the church before December 4 at 4:00 pm. (Put your name and grade on the gift so we know who has dropped them off. This will be removed by a youth leader prior to delivery.)
  • Wait for your gift to be delivered between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm on December 11.

Please note this is not an event at the church. You will drop your gift off between December 1 and December 4 during office hours and wait at home for a gift to arrive for you, dropped at your door step. 

For more information contact Pastor Josh.