
AWANA Trek and Journey

Feb 03 2021
Start Time
5:40 PM
End Time
6:40 PM


AWANA will be held online at this time. All Trek and Journey families should have been contacted with details. If you did not hear from someone please email Kari. 

Reaching kids with the gospel. Engaging them in long-term discipleship.

We will be running three different options for AWANA this year; full time on-site, full time parent-led, or a mixed part time on-site and part time parent-led at home. 

Kids Grade 7 to Grade 12 will be able to join us through one of these options.  Parent-led classes will be able to access a pre-recorded video of each lesson and will have access to support from SGAC staff and AWANA leaders. 

The cost to register is $60 per child.

For more information and updates visit SGAC Kids Facebook page or contact  the church office.