As 2024 lies ahead, what does God have in store for us in the new year? Today each of us will prayerfully select our own Vision Verse 2024.
Monday, Jan. 8
9:30 am Men's & Women's Prayer
Tuesday, Jan. 9
7:00 pm Youth Bible Study
Wednesday, Jan. 10
9:30 am Keenagers
4:00 pm AWANA
5:40 pm Trek & Journey
5:45 pm Prayer for Our World
7:30 pm Young Adults Study
Thursday, Jan. 11
Friday, Jan. 12
5:00 pm Grace's Table Pick-up
7:30 pm Youth
Saturday, Jan. 13
Sunday, Jan. 14
9:15 & 11:15 am Worship Services & SGAC Kids
12:45 Filipinos & Friends
The Worship Service will also be on Facebook and YouTube at 9:15 am this Sunday. For more information please visit our website or watch for The Loop, our weekly e-newsletter. If you do not receive The Loop you can download it here from our website. Click HERE to sign up to receive The Loop in your email weekly.
ARE YOU NEW TO SGAC? We want to help you get connected. Fill out a Connection Card and stop by the Welcome Desk so we can meet you & give you a small gift to say thanks for joining us. We hope SGAC will soon start to feel like home!
CHILDREN'S CHECK IN LOCATION - Programming is available today for nursery to grade 6. Nursery & 2 year-olds check in at the nursery. 3 year-olds to grade 6 check in at the Community Life Centre.
VISION VERSE SUNDAY - Pick up two Vision Verse cards on your way into the Sanctuary today. Write your verse on both cards. Keep one for yourself and drop the other in a basket by the door as your leave. Click here to submit your vision verse online.
KEENAGERS (55+) STUDY - Start 2024 by getting to know Jesus better. Not just the facts about Him, but experience His love, wisdom & guidance in your life. In this 6-part series, Francis Chan dives into John 13-17 (Jesus Farewell Message), a passage rich in promises, commands & eternal truths. Join the Keenagers Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:00 starting January 10. For more information, contact Pastor Steve.
GRACE'S TABLE - We all go through tough times. If a warm & nutritious meal would be helpful for you or someone you know, click here to register or call the office by Monday, January 8. Meal pick-up is Friday, January 12 between 5:00 and 6:30 pm at SGAC.
Click here if you would like to volunteer this winter at Grace's Table
YOUTH EVENTS JANUARY 12 - Youth, join us at 7:30 pm where the Sr. High will play Mario Kars & the Jr. High will take part in a Gaga Tournament.
SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT JANUARY 20 - This training is required to be taken annually by all volunteers working with children & youth at SGAC. If you are a new volunteer or have not taken the training since last January, join us at 9:30 am. Please RSVP to Debbie by January 17.
FAITH ON FIRE - Join us for "A Night in Worship to our King" on Sunday, January 21 at 6:00 pm. Everyone is welcome.
NEW ATTENDERS LUNCH - Are you new to Spruce Grove Alliance Church? If you have not yet attended one of our New Attenders Lunches, you are invited to come meet our pastors on Sunday, January 28 following the second service and hear more about SGAC & our ministries. It's a great opportunity meet others who are new to SGAC too! Click here to register. For more information contact Pastor Joel.
- 9:15 am Service: Robert Eaves, Mark Sonnenberg, Jordyn Morrison
- 11:15 am Service: Tracy Palmer, Makayla Palmer, Skyden Palmer, Kelton Palmer, Don Fletcher, Darlene Fletcher, Dawson Hochachka, Serenity Spence
- During Youth Events: Cassidy Schotte, Hudson Hoy, Myles Fikkert
TO FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION on these & other events check out the following:
Website -
Facebook - @sprucegrovealliancechurch, @sgacwomen, @sgacyouth, @sgackeenagersgroup,
Instagram -, @youngadults.sgac, @sgacyouth, @sgac.women
YouTube - @sprucegrovealliancechurch
Are you in “The Loop”? Don’t miss out on Pastor Brent’s weekly e-newsletter which comes out every Wednesday afternoon. If you have not subscribed to SGAC’s e-newsletter, you can do that at
“SGAC Downloads” on our website where you can also read this week’s edition of The Loop.
Mortgage to Dec. 31 $1,469,253
Interest Rate: 7.70%
YTD General Fund Revenue
July - December 31, 2023 $789,558
YTD Budget Required
July 1 - December 31, 2023 $800,844
YTD Budget Shortfall -$11,286
Thank you for your generous giving in helping us reduce our deficit during the last month.
Please note the following options for giving:
Whether it is a one-time gift or you would like to schedule a recurring donation, you can give online to Spruce Grove Alliance Church. This option allows you to give using a Visa debit card or the traditional Visa or MasterCard credit cards.
Pick up a pre-authorized debit agreement form from our church office or download one here. You can fill it out and then (with a voided cheque) you can either scan it and email it to the office, or drop it off during regular office hours.
During office hours, you can drop by and use the INTERAC/DEBIT machine at the Welcome Desk, then fill out your donation envelope including your name, address, giving number and insert your debit receipt so we can disburse funds as directed. Place sealed envelope in the box on the counter.
Use E-Transfer to give at SGAC, using Please include your offering envelope number and contact information. In the notes section please indicate how you would like your donation designated (ie: General Fund, Canadian Ministries etc.). The money is deposited directly into the church account and does not require a security question. (This method of giving is not to be used for registrations.)
During office hours, you can stop by the church office and drop off your donation in a sealed envelope. Mark it Finance / Confidential.
By MAIL / CHEQUE - Mail your donation to:
Spruce Grove Alliance Church
Attn: Finance Office
250 Century Road
Spruce Grove, AB T7X 1W6
Thank you for your generosity in giving to SGAC.
Questions: Please contact the church office at 780-962-4700 or by email Click here to visit our website and give online.
Please Pray For:
Our Christian Workers - Gabe Piska, who is a youth support worker with Youth Unlimited in Edmonton. SGAC is Gabe's home church and his parents attend.
Our Pastoral Team Staff Member - Steve Rigby, Pastor of Senior's Ministry, is married to Arlene and together they have four children.
Our Support Team Staff Member - Dave Janssen, Technical Director, is married to Dawn and they have six children.
Our Elders Team Member - Orv Perry is married to Peggi and they have three children.
We want to pray with you. If you have prayer or praise requests contact us at or fill out a Connection Card & place it in the offering plate.
Our Condolences:
- Our deepest condolences to Rob & Camille Young and family in the recent passing of Rob's sister, Julie.
- Also, deepest condolences to Joanne Fehr and family in the recent passing of her husband Bruce on January 1. A Celebration of Life will take place at SGAC on January 15 at 1:00 pm. The office will be closed during that time.
Thank you to a generous donor for supplying us with cookies today.