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Weekly News for Sunday, November 19, 2023

Our identity drives our activity and highlights how we will live out what we believe to be true about ourselves. The story of Gideon in Judges 6 :1-15 shows us how an encounter with God can put a new chain of events in motion and launch us into our true destiny. 


Monday, Nov. 20
9:30 am  Men's & Women's Prayer
6:30 pm  Pickleball & Jesus 
7:00pm  Screwtape Letters Group

Tuesday, Nov. 21 
9:15 am  Empowered MOMS
9:15 am Love in Chaos Group
9:15 am Working Yarn Group
4:00 pm  Children's Musical Rehearsal
7:00 pm Youth Study
7:00 pm  Board Meeting

Wednesday, Nov. 22
9:30 am  Keenager's Study
4:00 pm  AWANA
5:40 pm  Trek/Journey
5:45 pm  Prayer for Our World
6:30 pm  GriefShare
7:00 pm ALPHA
7:30 pm  Worship Jam Group
7:30 pm  Young Adults Study

Thursday, Nov.23 
6:30 pm  Empowered MOMS
7:00 pm  Men's Floor Hockey 

Friday, Nov. 24 
6:00 pm  Kairos in Person 
7:00 pm  Bus Leaves for Youth Missing Persons

Saturday, Nov. 25 
9:00 am Kairos In Person
9:30 am  Children's Musical Rehearsal

Sunday, Nov. 26
9:15 & 11:15 am  Worship Service
9:15 & 11:15 am  SGAC Kids
12:45 pm Biblical Apologetics Group
6:30 pm Soul Care Group


The Worship Service will also be on Facebook and YouTube at 10:00 am this Sunday.   For more information please visit our website or or watch for The Loop - our weekly e-newsletter. If you do not receive The Loop you can download it here from our website.  Click HERE to sign up to receive The Loop in your email weekly.

ARE YOU NEW TO SGAC? We want to help you get connected.  Fill out a Connection Card and stop by the Welcome Centre so we can meet you & give you a small gift to say thanks for joining us.  We hope SGAC will soon start to feel like home! 

NEW CHECK IN LOCATIONS - CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING is available for nursery to Grade    6. Nursery and 2 year olds check in at the nursery and age 3 to grade 6 visit the check-in kiosk in the Community Life Centre to sign in your children.

JAFFRAY PROJECT - Over the next three weeks we will be taking a special offering to equip and support indigenous church planters as they reach their communities for Christ in South Asia. We would love to be able to support 5 of these Pastors at $3000 each. Please write “Jaffray Project” on your offering envelope today and help us reach our goal.

FAITH ON FIRE Tonight at 6 pm. Everyone is invited to join us for A Night in Worship to our King.

YOUTH FRIDAY NIGHT EVENTS - November 24 at 7:00 pm is MISSING PERSONS for all youth. Parent volunteers are needed as the youth wander through West Edmonton Mall in search of their leaders who are in disguise. Bring $10 to help cover the cost of the bus. Contact Pastor Josh if you can help out.

CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS MUSICAL REHEARSALS for all Grade 1 to 6 children. The children are  practicing their songs on Sunday mornings and it’s almost time to practice on the stage with the full cast. Join us for three Saturday morning rehearsals, THIS SATURDAY November 25,and also the following two, December 2 & 9 from 9:30 to 11:30 am.

Help us ILLUMINATE Spruce Grove with the Light of Jesus this Christmas by signing up for one of our    service opportunities. Check out The Loop or Service Opportunities on our website to explore the options and sign up. The first opportunity to serve is at the City of Spruce Grove Central Park Light Up on        November 25.  Sign up with Kim at the Welcome Centre today.

SGAC TOQUES are now available in the office or at the Welcome Centre today.  We have a limited     quantity available for the suggested donation of $10.

SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS - NEW DATE  December 2 at 1:00 pm. The holidays are challenging when you’re grieving a loss. GriefShare’s “Surviving the Holidays” provides encouragement, support & valuable tools to navigate the season. Join us for this 2-hour seminar. Click here to register.

BE THE LIGHT  Missions Sunday - December 3. Join us in the CLC Upper Auditorium following the 11:15 service. Visit 14+ booths highlighting local & global missions from countries including Mexico, West Africa, Columbia,  Afghanistan & more. Taste some food samples & stamp your passport for a chance to win a door prize. And most importantly, learn about opportunities where you can BE THE LIGHT! 

SERMON DISCUSSION QUESTIONS are available in the E-Loop on Wednesdays or email  to receive them on Sunday afternoon.

EXTRA HALLOWEEN CANDY – Children’s Ministry would love to take any extra pre-wrapped Halloween candy off your hands. Drop it off in the office if you are able.

 TO FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION on these & other events check out the following:

 Website -
 Facebook - @sprucegrovealliancechurch@sgacwomen@sgacyouth@sgackeenagersgroup, 
 Instagram -
 YouTube - @sprucegrovealliancechurch

Are you in “The Loop”?  Don’t miss out on Pastor Brent’s weekly e-newsletter which comes out every Wednesday afternoon.  If you have not subscribed to SGAC’s e-newsletter, you can do that at 
“SGAC Downloads” on our website where you can also read this week’s edition of The Loop.  

Mortgage to Oct. 31            $1,469,253 
Interest Rate:  7.70% 
Thanks for your generous October giving of over $180,000.

 Please note the following options for giving: 

Whether it is a one-time gift or you would like to schedule a recurring donation, you can  give online to Spruce Grove Alliance Church.  This option allows you to give using a Visa debit card or the traditional Visa or MasterCard credit cards. 

Pick up a pre-authorized debit agreement form from our church office or download one here. You can fill it out and then with a voided cheque - you can either scan it and email it to the office, or drop it off during regular office hours. 

During office hours, you can drop by and use the INTERAC/DEBIT machine at the Welcome Centre, then fill out your donation envelope as normal including your name, address, giving number and insert your debit receipt so we can disburse funds as directed in the Box on the counter. 

Use E-Transfer to give at SGAC, using  Please include your offering envelope number and contact information.  In the notes section please indicate how you would like your donation designated, ie. General Fund, Canadian Ministries etc.. The money is deposited directly into the church account and does not require a security question.  (This method of giving is not to be used for registrations.) 

During office hours, you can stop by the church office and drop off your donation in a sealed envelope.  Mark it Finance / Confidential 

Mail your donation to:
Spruce Grove Alliance Church
Attn: Finance
250 Century Road
Spruce Grove, AB T7X 1W6 

Thank you for your generosity in giving to SGAC.

Questions: Please contact the church office at 780 962 4700 or by email  Click here to visit our website and give online.


 Please pray for:

Our Christian Workers  - K. I. works for an American school in Niger. Her parents attend SGAC. 

Our Pastoral Team Staff Member - Pastor of Youth & Young Adults - Josh Palsky. Pastor Josh is        married to Beth and they have two children. 

Our Support Team Staff Member - Joanne Fehr - Admin Assistant. Joanne is married to Bruce and they have two children.

Our Elders Team Member - Paul Friesen. Paul is married to Kim and they have three children.

We want to pray with you.  If you have prayer or praise requests contact us at or fill out a Connection Card & place it in the offering plate.


 THANK YOU for participating in the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox project. Together we received 241 shoeboxes which will enhance a child’s life and give them an opportunity to experience God’s love in each gift.