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Weekly News for Sunday, June 25, 2023


Today we are going to jump into our Summer Preaching Series, “The Clean Pages” studying some of the often overlooked parts of scripture. We will see what hidden spiritual gems we can find in Haggai.


Monday, June 26
9:30 am  Men's & Women's Prayer 
11:00 am  Celebration of Life Service for Gary Kaiser

Tuesday, June 27

Wednesday, June 28
10:00 am   Keenagers Fellowship

Thursday, June 29
3:00 pm  Prayer for Ukraine/Russia & Beyond
7:00 pm  Men's Floor Hockey

Friday, June 30
Church office closed for holiday

Saturday, July 1

Sunday, July 2
10:00 am  Worship Service


The Worship Service will also be on Facebook and YouTube at 9:15 am this Sunday.   For more information please visit our website or or watch for The Loop - our weekly e-newsletter. If you do not receive The Loop you can download it here from our website.  Click HERE to sign up to receive The Loop in your email weekly.

ARE YOU NEW TO SGAC? We want to help you get connected.  Fill out a connection card and stop by the Welcome Centre so we can meet you & give you a small gift to say thanks for joining us.  We hope SGAC will soon start to feel like home! 

CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING is available today for nursery to Grade 6. Please visit the Check In Kiosk foyer to sign in your children.   

PARK PLAY DAYS – Connect with other SGAC parents on Tuesday mornings in June, as you watch your children play together in the park. On June 27 they will be meeting at Beechmont Park starting at 10:00 am. Watch the SGAC Women’s Facebook page for updates/changes. For more information, contact Pastor Karen.

KEENAGERS (55+) SUMMER FELLOWSHIP –  Come at 10:00 am for a time of coffee & connection. Bring your own coffee & a snack to share as well as a   favorite table game. This is a drop-in event and all are welcome. Contact Pastor Steve for more information.  

The church office will be closed Friday, June 30  in lieu of July 1 Holiday.  

GRACE’S TABLE - We all go through tough times. If a warm & nutritious meal would be helpful for you  or someone you know, click here register on our website or by calling the church office by noon on Monday, July 10. Meal pick-up is Friday, July 14 from 5:00 to 6:30 pm at SGAC.

We are moving to ONE service this summer. Join us at 10 am from July 2 to August 27. Children will join their parents in the service from July 2 to 16 and our Children’s Summer Programming will resume July 23.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY SUMMER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Summer is coming and we are searching for people who love kids and want to make a difference in their lives. VBS requires 1more adult leader and 5more adult or teen assistants for our preschool children & 25more adult leaders and 20more adult or preschool assistants for our elementary children.   Contact Pastor Coreen if you would like to help out in either of these areas this summer.

VBS REGISTRATION is now open! VBS will run August 8 - 11 from 9:15 am - 12:15 pm. Register on our website or at the Check In Kiosk today. 

Notice of Membership Special Meeting (vote)
The Elders would like to provide notice to the membership of Spruce Grove Alliance Church of a special meeting in the format of a multi-day vote. This is not an in-person meeting but will consist of members having the opportunity to vote after reading a document addressing the extension of the Future Development Fund Budget to complete the final stages of the CLC project. 

The vote will take place from June 25 until noon on July 13. An email will be sent to all members on June 26 which will include a document with full details & a weblink to vote. Alternatively, there will be paper ballots & a hard copy of the document available at the Welcome Centre for those who prefer to vote in-person. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the board.

SGAC Bylaws- Article 6.5 - “The Board of Elders may call special meetings of the membership.     Notification of such a meeting can be given through a pulpit announcement for two (2) consecutive Sundays prior to the meeting or given in writing to the membership eight (8) days in advance.” 

 TO FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION on these & other events check out the following:

 Website -
 Facebook - @sprucegrovealliancechurch@sgacwomen@sgacyouth@sgackeenagersgroup, 
 Instagram -
 YouTube - @sprucegrovealliancechurch

Are you in “The Loop”?  Don’t miss out on Pastor Brent’s weekly e-newsletter which comes out every Wednesday afternoon.  If you have not subscribed to SGAC’s e-newsletter, you can do that at 
“SGAC Downloads” on our website where you can also read this week’s edition of The Loop.  

Giving Update

Weekly Giving -  June 12 - 18, 2023
General Fund Giving                       $         27,602
Weekly Budget Required               $         23,963
Borrowed funds to date                 $    1,650,000
Interest Rate                                                 7.45%

Pleaase remember when giving online, by e-transfer or in person to provide your full name and envelope number.


Please note the following options for giving: 

Whether it is a one-time gift or you would like to schedule a recurring donation, you can  give online to Spruce Grove Alliance Church.  This option allows you to give using a Visa debit card or the traditional Visa or MasterCard credit cards. 

Pick up a pre-authorized debit agreement form from our church office or download one here. You can fill it out and then with a voided cheque - you can either scan it and email it to the office, or drop it off during regular office hours. 

During office hours, you can drop by and use the INTERAC/DEBIT machine at the Welcome Centre, then fill out your donation envelope as normal including your name, address, giving number and insert your debit receipt so we can disburse funds as directed in the Box on the counter. 

Use E-Transfer to give at SGAC, using  Please include your offering envelope number and contact information.  In the notes section please indicate how you would like your donation designated, ie. General Fund, Canadian Ministries etc.. The money is deposited directly into the church account and does not require a security question.  (This method of giving is not to be used for registrations.) 

During office hours, you can stop by the church office and drop off your donation in a sealed envelope.  Mark it Finance / Confidential 

Mail your donation to:
Spruce Grove Alliance Church
Attn: Finance
250 Century Road
Spruce Grove, AB T7X 1W6 

Thank you for your generosity in giving to SGAC.

Questions: Please contact the church office at 780 962 4700 or by email  Click here to visit our website and give online.


Please pray for:

Our Christian Workers  - Katrina is from Westlock and works with C&MA in a creative access nation.  She is part of SGAC’s cluster group. 

Our Pastoral Team Staff Member - Pastor of Worship, Arts & Prayer - Andrew Bugiera.  Pastor Andrew is married to Amy and they have three children. 

Our Support Team Staff Member - Candice Terney.  Candice is married to Mike and they have five children.

Our Elders Team Member - Dan Ibsen. Dan is married to Melodie and they have four children.

We want to pray with you.  If you have prayer or praise requests contact us at or fill out a Connection Card & place it in the offering plate.


BABY DEDICATIONS  We rejoice with Matt & Chelsea Kirkland as they dedicate Connor Matthew to the Lord today.

We also rejoice with David & Dana Martinez as they dedicate Leo David to the Lord.

OUR DEEPEST CONDOLENCES  to Jean Kaiser and family in the  passing of her husband Gary.  The Celebration of Life service will take place here Monday, June 26 at 11:00 am.

We are taking up a love offering for Pastor Steve Rigby as he volunteers his time to work with our Keenagers at SGAC. He is a huge part of our staff. Please remember that love offerings are non-receiptable and must be made by cash or cheque payable to Steve Rigby.

CONGRATULATIONS to Corey and Tammy Blais on their wedding celebration last weekend.