Sunday School teachers and helpers for nursery to grade 6, awana, SUnday Morning Check In, VBS & more
SGAC Kids Sunday Morning Teacher & Assistants
We love kids, and if you do, too, please consider joining us in Children’s Ministry! From check-in to worship leading, to teaching and assisting, we have a place for you. We will train and equip you for serving in this vital area of our church family.
Note: All Children’s Ministry Volunteers & Staff are required to complete a ministry application, interview and Criminal Record Check.
AWANA runs Wednesdays from September to April from 4 - 5:30 for ages 3-11 and 5:40 - 6:40 for grade 7-12. If you are interested in helping kids learn the Word of God and in building relationships, this is the place for you. The kids have a rotation of Gym time, bible memorization, and a devotional time in this important discipleship venue.
Create / Décor
If you like decorating, sewing costumes, bulletin boards, building props or just cleaning and organization, we could use you several times a year for whatever time you can give us.
Event Volunteer
Vacation Bible School, Christmas Musical, Easter Stations, Fall Family Festival and many more other special events happen throughout the year. Many volunteers are needed. We'd love to equip you and have your helping hands!
Nursery and Toddlers
Do you love babies? Our nursery and toddlers is the place for you! Consider cuddling and playing with our wee ones during our weekend services or during Tuesday morning Growth Group classes.
Tuesday Morning Childcare Workers
We are looking for several workers to help with Growth Group childcare on Tuesday mornings from 8:45 am to 11:15 am. You can either help in the nursery, toddler room, or with the 3-5 year olds.
Sign Up in Children & Family Ministries Now!
For more information contact Pastor Debbie Funk.